You can help combat plastic pollution by supporting policy solutions that call for producer responsibility, reduce your own use by switching to reusables, and practicing Leave No Trace. For more ideas on how to make a difference, download our Call To Action.
The Azulita Project is proud to be a convening partner of the #PlasticFreePresident campaign that names 8 priority actions to address plastic pollution during President Biden’s first year.
#BreakFreeFromPlastic Pollution Act of 2021
This federal bill builds upon successful statewide laws across the U.S. and outlines practical plastic reduction strategies to realize a healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable future. The BFFPPA represents the most comprehensive set of policy solutions to the plastic pollution crisis ever introduced in Congress.
Can you really recycle that plastic? Learn what plastic types can be recycled in your area. It’s a really bad idea to put non-recyclables in your recycling bin as it requires more fossil fuels and manpower to sort out those non-recyclables and send them to the landfill. Avoid “wishcycling” and know what can be recycled in your community.
Lobby your local, state, and national representatives for legislation on Extended Producer Responsibility, bottle bills and bans which can include take-back programs, minimal packaging, and required recycled packaging content.
Look for alternatives to plastic packaging such as glass, tin, aluminum, or paper...or choose items with minimal or no packaging!
Use bulk and refillable options whenever possible. A variety of refillable options can be found for spices, coffee, sweeteners, pasta and more. Beauty care and cleaners like shampoo, dish detergent, laundry detergent are also available in bulk.
Shampoos, toothpaste, lotions, deodorant, detergents and more can be made at home in minimal time. Visit our DIY page for more ideas and recipes!

On vacations, road trips, family outings, and camping adventures, you can make some simple choices to reduce your impact.
Plan ahead and bring homemade snacks and reusable beverage containers to reduce on-the-go plastic use.
Look for alternatives to single-use plastic packaging. Weight can be an important factor when backpacking. But lightweight single-use plastic packaging is also prone to blow away in a gust of wind. Choose durable, reusable bags, beeswax wrapping, and small containers.